To all the Readers, Don’t be in a Hurry to make any FIRST VIEW IMPRESSIONS or whatsoever. I promote you to read the Blog Completely, and then I Openly Welcome your thoughts and Opinions for the same😄
Charles Darwin-one of the famous Biologist, Naturalist and Geologist, was the one who gave out the Theory of Evolution-the one who suggested that we evolved over the years from a Species that was somewhat like apes, to the present Humans that we are-the Homo Sapien Sapiens. Well, evolution is thus the nature of Development. In order to live with the changing times and the changes happening around us, we adapt. Sometimes the adaptation does not need any sort of change to be made, while in some cases, there is a very long periodic change what we call an EVOLUTION, where we start to bring about changes in our Physical Form in such a way that after many generations, that is HOW WE ARE BORN WITH THE CHANGES-just in a way that Tail is now something we Don’t need, or the fact that our Diet is so much reduced of chewing the Fibrous Stems and the hard things that Wisdom Tooth is of no use and that, The Organ to Digest the Raw meat is but a Useless part in our Body. All these points INDICATE one thing for sure-EVOLUTION LEADS TO DEVELOPMENT AND DEVELOPMENT LEADS TO ADVANCEMENT.
Although I do not believe that THERE IS A LARGE and A HUGE COMPETITION IN THE PRESENT WORLD, OR BE IT THE COMING TIMES; I would surely and without any doubt say that the competition is SURELY GETTING TOUGHER. Like, winning and becoming Successful is becoming easier than it ever was, but the small amount of people who are running that race is what MAKES THIS TOUGH because Incompetency is not a word in such a race where things are already filtered-yet you would see a lot of High Ranks, and positions being given to INCOMPETENT and actually LESS DESERVING PEOPLE(I would like to talk on the topic of GROWING INCOMPETENCY and HOW WINNING IS EASIER NOW, but let’s hold that for a future blog).
In a Country like India-a country that has now surpassed all the previously set records of Population and has become the most Populous Country in the World(well, there are many Indians that live in almost all the countries of the World-so just think if they too were to reside in India then what would be the total number and how would the Data even look!). So, with a Striking Population of around 1,429,285,460 and Counting* around 253 Million teens living in this Country-that is, 253 Million People in this country in the age range of around 10 to 19, and I am one of them(as in, when this Blog is being Written). What is so surprising is that having such a large number of Teens, of which I assume there would be around 50%(or in the worst case scenario, around 40%) of them who are WILLING to pursue Education well till College and earn a Degree; there is a Big Problem in the System which makes things very very difficult-something that I could not Overlook and that made me write this Blog.
For those Unaware-India is a Diverse Land-a land where you would find well about 60 to 70 Registered Languages and many more native languages that are not Registered and acclaimed Internationally. A land where you would find people of Many Religions, People of Many Beliefs and what not-all living assumingly peacefully and presumingly TOLERABLY of each other. But things weren’t like this in the past-well, not the past when our Visitors whom we greeted took over our own land, but from time even before that. From Ancient Times, there was the Caste System where the Society was separated into broadly 4 Main Categories-the Shudras, the Vaishyas, the Kshatriyas and the Brahmins.
While the Kshatriyas were the Kings and Rulers who would protect the people and the masses, the Brahmin was the Scholarly People who comprised the Religious Men with Vaishyas being the layman having Job of Potters, Artisans, Blacksmiths, etc., the Shudras were the “lower caste people” to say in short, which were often called and regarded UNTOCHABLES.
I strongly believe that people should NOT BE LOOKED DOWN on and that WE SHOULD TREAT PEOPLE AS EQUALS, but this was not the case then and that is the reason, the Shudras were deprived of almost all the privileges and even Rights. Although the Society did work properly even then, this was not seen and taken well by one man-the one who was born in that class, who tried to BRING JUSTICE AND MAKE THINGS FAIR, acting as a MESSIAH for his Time and his class, but was unfortunately not that far-sighted to see the Repercussions and the Large Negative Impacts his RULES would bring upon the Life of Millions of Indian Students and People as Whole. If you are Indian, then I am pretty sure you GOT about WHOM I AM TALKING(and I won’t be taking names here). And before moving further, I state this clearly THIS BLOG IS NOT TO SPREAD ANY HATE OR TO PROMOTE ANY ILLS AGAINST ANY PERSON[S] ALIVE OR DEAD.
Born as a Lower Caste member, he was deprived of many things and seeing that such privileges were not given to him, he grew up to become a well renowned Jurist, Economist, Social Reformer and Political Leader who HEADED the drafting body of India’s Constitution-drafted the constitution wrongly thinking that PEOPLE WON’T CHANGE and that NO MATTER WHAT WOULD HAPPEN, THERE WOULD STILL BE SUCH CASTES AND THE DISCRIMINATION IN THE COMING FUTURE OF INDIA. Thus, to ensure that what happened with him doesn’t happen with any other deserving person of such lower and backward caste, he made it a LAW IN INDIA’S CONSTITUTION that there should BE SPECIAL RESERVATIONS made in almost all the institutes and places for such ‘regarded’ members of Backward Classes.
Yes, this is what the topic’s name means-his rule/law was implemented at a time when such Reservations made sense to ensure an overall DEVELOPMENT of the society, but unfortunately, there was NO EXPIRY to it, which has now resulted in THIS TO BE A RATHER UNFAIR LAW-UNFAIR NOT JUST FOR THE PEOPLE, BUT FOR THE COUNTRY’S FUTURE AS WELL. The reason said, for most of the posts, and even the Seats in Institutes(prestigious Institutes too), a lot of seats go to the LESS DESERVING Candidates who are NOT THAT COMPETENT, and the ones who actually deserve, miss the seat all because of the RESERVATIONS.
In the 21st Century, where Society is broad-minded, people have access to almost all the Resources at their Fingertips, and many Ed-Tech Companies provide Quality Education at costs that are even less than minimal, Reservations promote Incompetency-for example, see this case:-
Suppose, A Person who belongs to the OPEN category has worked hard and after ‘X’ years of sheer hard work and diligence, he scores such scores that he is amongst India’s top 7% of Candidates and is just eligible for a Seat(making the bare Minimum Cutoff to be eligible to get the seat). On the other side of the spectrum, another student from his same class-his classmate and batchmate, who has no such Economic Drawbacks, nor is oppressed in any way, or deprived of anything, scores very fewer marks in the same exam just because he belongs to the so-called “Backward Class”, he gets an easy way in for the same Prestigious Institute to which the former student got; moreover, this student, just because of a law, is given a higher preference over More Competent Students when admission process is there. Since the total seats/posts are limited, and many of them are being filled by Reservation, the true Talent and Competency go unchecked and unrewarded most of the time!
The end result of this is there is an entry of LESS COMPETENT STUDENTS into HIGH-LEVEL INSTITUTES while the TRUE COMPETENT ONES are left hanging, and have to opt for an Institute that is way below their Deserving and caliber-thus, there is a Mass-Production and Filling of High Level posts by Incompetent Candidates which weakens the overall System, eventually, weakening the Country and its functioning! (honestly, I believe that Life has its OWN FILTERS and eventually, the ones who truly deserve something, based on their Efforts and Work, would eventually be filtered out at such large level, these Things are but Insignificant-yet, I cannot deny the Probable Advantage of such Upper-Hand that could have been provided to that person in his journey which would have made it little easier)
Although this flaw is known by all, seen by all and even Felt by all; I have never seen any Action taken towards making this Right-making an Education System, RATHER, an OVERALL SYSTEM where Competency is Rewarded way higher than Reservations(the reasons for this are also known by all, if I am not wrong!). A System where Posts and Ranks are filled not by seeing your Caste, Creed, Gender, Religion or any other basis, but just one-ARE YOU COMPETENT ENOUGH-ARE YOU ELIGIBLE TO HOLD THE POST AND RANK THAT HIGH? And yes, I am well aware that such RIGHTFUL HAPPENING and things going and functioning properly IS IDEALISTIC and that A REALISTIC WORLD IS WAY DIFFERENT THAN THE IDEALISTIC ONE, but I cannot NOT write this by knowing this Fact!
Regardless of what the present situation is, how bad the things look and that, these might Not Change, the very nature of such things not changing will never be the reason of me NOT TRYING TO EVEN SPEAK OF THEM!
Yes, I know REALISTIC SITUATIONS and I too strongly believe that THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS ABSOLUTE EQUALITY, and that, INEQUALITY is the best way of our Survival in this World-as Humans are Creatures who live in a Society where we require all types of People-from a Laborer, to the Top Class CEOs and Company Runners; and if we start treating everyone as equal without any such PROFESSION-BASED segregation, then the Society won’t be able to function.
But when it comes to posts and seats where Competency is involved-say when there is Admissions to a College or Selection of a Candidate for a Government Post or any such case; I strongly feel and believe that there should be only one consideration in all this-COMPETENCY. Different types of Reservations are something that makes all the things UNFAIR-why should a more competent candidate not be given what he/she deserves, with the case being, a shortage of seats due to Reservations for a Less Competent Candidate?!
To Sum this All Up
“Do I Feel Reservations Should be Removed?”- “100% Yes”
“Will That Ever Happen?”- “100% No”, or rather “Should That Happen?”- “100% No”, for I cannot deny the fact that there is a Percentage of Students and People who Truly and Genuinely Require Such Help and Aid that might help them up to some extent.
So yes, with this, the Blog has come to an end, will catch you all back with the Next Blog-till then, Keep Learning, and Keep Growing😄
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#The Blog was Originally Published by me on 20th July 2023 on My Website