“Something VERY IMPORTANT, yet Made to Understand as if of NO WORTH!”
Human perception and understanding work on the very basis that we can LINK things to make stronger connections and comprehend things faster, easier to remember the way. Say, the moment I say the word “Orange”, you visualize the colour orange; with which, if you connect forward, you see the fruit ORANGE, and so on and on-everyone links different things with it. I remember many of the Formulas, the Periodic Table and many other things by making some of the Other Connections-either be it by connecting it to some Imaginary Story, making an Acronym, or God Knows what. But what if these connections are made wrong? What if the very base of the Connections is made wrong and we started to link and connect UNREALISTIC things that have NO ACTUAL CONNECTIONS with them, yet, we have made them in our mind; eventually ended up following a Wrong Interpretation, and living the whole Life with it; unaware of the Reality!
To state this with an Example, just recall how we were actually made to REMEMBER what something is. In our childhood, we were shown the Physical Form of that thing, and then, we were asked to REMEMBER THAT or CALL IT its actual name(like, showing an infant a Fruit and then telling him that it was an APPLE). But what were to happen if we were to show him an Apple, but give him the TRIGGER that it was a BANANA? If nobody corrected him, for the rest of his life, he would always call it a BANANA-thus living in an Oblivious Wrongly Created Definition and Understanding where what he thinks is WITH CERTAINTY WRONG, yet it is his lack of Knowledge, the lack of Proper Understanding that doesn’t allow him to leave the oblivious shell that he has created for himself and lives within.
I feel the same applies to the Word DISCIPLINE which creates several different images and brings various thoughts into People’s mind-and not just for teens or Adults, but it is even the case for small children. Even my younger self saw DISCIPLINE not as something crucial for living a well-organized life(I feel that it is good that I came to know what DISCIPLINE actually is in the past few years), but ratherly as a PUNISHMENT, and when I was a kid, I could only link Discipline to things such as “No Fun”, “Complete Seriousness and no Laughter or Joy” or say “Living Dolorously” and several things which have NO ACTUAL LINK with Discipline! But this is very Misleading, and if someone doesn’t get the true meaning of the word or what is the idea that is being conveyed, some serious problems could start to be seeded in one’s nature and overall personality which won’t have any effects on the present life, but over a long run, would surely create some adverse effects that would be hard to treat and make things back to normal. So via this Blog, I will TRY to Convey what DISCIPLINE is MADE TO BE PERCEIVED AS and then, would tell WHAT DISCIPLINE actually is(well, it may have different meanings for different people-so rather take this as the meaning of DISCIPLINE FOR ME for I am not an Expert in this Topic-all I can say is that I have had some of my Own Experiences, some Easy, while few harder ones-and this is what I have learned from them, and wish that the past self of me had this IDEA and a CLEAR picture of things at a larger Perspective-thus, this is my Attempt to Provide something that I did not have back then to those Who have the Present me).
Coming from an Indian Family, I have always been taught morals, taught to live a Righteous Life and by God’s Grace, been raised by and amongst well-educated, loving and caring People who have a great Nature as Humans and a Guardian-who’ve always provided me with proper direction in life and doing all that they can to help me grow and explore the Best Version of me-till date. But, I vividly remember, since my Childhood, I was always said “BE DISCIPLINED” but honestly, I never got or understood the true meaning of Discipline! And when I asked them what Discipline was, all they did was give me an example; the example of my Neighbor Studying with Deep Focus, the example of my Cousin Performing well in Exams and all that.
Well, I never really care[d] much about what the other person is doing, unless it has some great impact on me or my Life-so I never gave any deep thought to that, and this was something that I expressed to my Parents as well-so they got they could not explain DISCIPLINE to me like that. While my Parents tried to explain Discipline in this way, I got a Whole Other-End-of-the-Spectrum Story for Discipline from my friends once, one of my friends had some Bruises on his hand(not a lot, but a few visible ones). On asking about how he got that, he said that his parents PUNISHED HIM to DISCIPLINE him! And at school, the Teacher made us connect DISCIPLINE as a Synonym for a Non-Shouting, Quiet Class-in short, Discipline as explained by the teachers was NO FUN and NO TALKING! None of this made any sense to me for none of them had any RELATION or anything in common for me to Understand it and DISCIPLINE ended for me as- something that I SHOULD HAVE but I never knew WHAT IT ACTUALLY WAS, and WHAT WAS THE WORTH OF ACTUAL DISCIPLINE!
Call it Luck or God’s Plan, things did not remain as they were. Entering the grade 11th after the Lockdown year of 10th and the Super Seven Months(if you know, you get it, else let it pass). My Whole perspective regarding things started to change. And for me, 11th was like a Preparatory phase for the actual change to come-its actual effects came to be seen in 12th Grade. 12th was one hell of a year because while this was the YEAR we have our Boards in, I even had to prepare for some of the other ENTRANCE EXAMS, while even attend my College which was a 1hr journey from my house. So this year taught me lots of things and luckily, the biggest, most important thing that it taught me was DISCIPLINE. Not just this, but there are TONS of Experiences-from Losing my Good Shape and Health to losing Academically for a while and whatnot(perhaps sharing them all in-depth would require a Book over a Blog)-and I believe that the COMPOUND LEARNINGS that I derived from them(of course, with the help of the one’s who CARED and always do CARE FOR ME)is the very reason I got to know what DISCIPLINE actually is and made me see its Importance(also, a Great Man on INTERNET who changed the lives of millions of Men by his deemed Harsh, yet Realistic Speech and Actions was a great push that helped me learn what DISCIPLINE was in my way; and for doing such great things not just for me, but Many People around the Globe, he was even Imprisoned).
So yes, here is what DISCIPLINE means to me-DISCIPLINE is that Driving Force that doesn’t just come by just THINKING or WANTING, but by the ACTUAL WILL and THE WAY THINGS ARE HABITUALIZED. It is that Force that Wakes Me Up Early no matter What Day it is; It is that Force that COMPELS ME TO WORKOUT regardless of my MOOD; It is that Force that KEEPS ME AWAY FROM JUNK FOOD AND BAD HABITS, no matter HOW TEMPTING IT MAY BE. Thus, in the least yet Supposedly Best words possible:-
“DISCIPLINE is that Conscious Inner Force that Makes One do WHAT HE IS SUPPOSED TO DO, by overcoming the feeling/emotions of ONE’S WILLINGNESS TO DO IT OR NOT!”
I say this not by listening to it from someone or reading it in a Book, but by my own Life Experience-with Literal Evidence-Based Truth. If want to find this your own way, take any Example of someone whom You Consider SUCCESSFUL(use your parameters to Define Success)-and you would always find that all those people whom you consider SUCCESSFUL are WELL DISCIPLINED people. Hardly anyone around you would tell you the Real Importance of DISCIPLINE and even rarer would TEACH you how to be Disciplined. To achieve a Goal, to be Different and do something Different, you would surely require the Edge at that particular thing and even talent would help-but always remember, in the Daily Battle, Consistent Hardwork Beats Talent! But here is where 95% of the people lose the Fight-they would WORK HARD, but consistency is what they lack. People say that they need MOTIVATION to do things-but remember, a Successful man is NEVER DRIVEN BY INTERNAL/EXTERNAL MOTIVATION; he is NEVER DRIVEN BY HIS MOOD or HIS FEELINGS-rather, it is the DISCIPLINE THAT DRIVES HIM.
Well, I wish that this was something that I had been explained at an early age-but that not happening has its own Silver Lining-me learning from my Life, exploring in Real Time by Making Tons of Mistakes and learning from them-a Compound Product of all the Steps, the Decescions and what not that gave me the TRUE MEANING OF DISCIPLINE-something that is now an INHERENT PART of me and not something which I have given from someone else.
Ergo, I hope you found this Blog Useful-until next time; Keep Learning and Keep Growing😄
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#The Blog was Originally Published by me on 12th December 2022 on My Website