We have all at least once Encountered that Moment with Our Friend(or Colleague)when on one’s success, either they(or we), call LUCK the Sole Reason for the Success over Actual Hard-Work; while the Other Completely Disagrees-claiming that it was ONLY the Hard-Work and Dedication which lead to the Success and there was a NEGLIGIBLE hand of Luck. This arises from the Different Perspectives and Experiences of the Same Scenario.
The one who lost(or made an Unsuccessful Attempt)sees that the True reason for the Failure wasn’t their lack of Training, Dedication or Hard Work, but the reason was- “THEY WEREN’T THAT LUCKY!”
To understand what I am saying, let us consider a Hypothetical Incident-the Incident that occurred with XYZ in which was, there was an examination for which XYZ had prepared hard and he knew that he could easily crack it, but XYZ was unable to give the examination and the Reason was that XYZ FELL ILL AND WASN’T EVEN IN THE CONDITION TO REACH THE EXAMINATION CENTER! If one of the Classmates(who studied less than XYZ), but was selected for the Second Round by being the Last Qualifier; for XYZ, the Classmate’s success was nothing but a PURE RESULT OF GOOD LUCK while XYZ(and a few other Smarties like him or even Smarter that weren’t even able to reach the Exam Center by either falling sick or reaching late due to unforeseen circumstances to give the Exam-just because of HARD-LUCK!)
But, this was the Story from XYZ’s Perspective and the HARSH TRUTH, but what causes the Disagreement is this Moment- while XYZ sees the Fact of their Classmate Being Lucky to get only those Questions which he Had studied and the Abscene of some Smart people in the Examination, he sees this as HIS WISDOM OF CHOOSING THE MAIN TOPICS AND DOING THE PERFECT AMOUNT OF STUDIES REQUIRED TO CRACK THE EXAMINATION. It is completely ignored that he was Lucky Enough to somehow get only those Questions from the Whole Syllabus that he had studied and that he was able to answer-added to which, some other Tough and Better Competitors like XYZ, who had Hard Luck of not coming to the Examination Hall, made him get Selected! This is just one of those Many Examples due to which, Luck is overseen by a Person. A Similar Type of LUCK FACTOR is seen in a Famous Examination and its Marks-that is, in an Examination(say ABC Exam)is one in which if Numerically, the marks of the Students come to be a tie, then the Selection is done based on Birthdate! So Jus think, only the Date of Birth might come under the Consideration of you Clearing the Examination or not (but this is the rarest of the Scenarios that two Students secure the same Marks in all the Subjects with equal percentiles up to the 8th Decimal Place!)
Keeping aside the Rare Scenario, the Luck factor might even Weigh Down your Efforts and have some effect on your Prospective Successful Future! Say, you are a really Smart Child Born in one of the poorest countries to a Lower Middle-Class Family! Regardless of your being Smart, your Country’s Economy(and the overall Family’s Financial Stability)affects the way you and your family have to live, acting as an EXTRA HURDLE to your Path to Success-while another person who is relatively less smart than you, born in an Economically Powerful country to Rich parents, not only has the Luck but also has an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE over you that he could get resources without much Work and the Loss of Resources by wrong Moves or Mistakes would not seem to be a GREAT LOSS.
Not just that, but there is some relation between Human Psychology with the Connection of Incidents and their Consequences of anything with Luck; in addition to judging someone based on their Responses to these beliefs IN LUCK questions! I have observed that many “Oblivious People” think that any work done by them and the result of their HARD WORK AND EFFORTS is an overall compounded result. You see, here our Brain played a Game and the Result of Human Psychology made me use the word “OBLIVIOUS”(for the Description of a Person describing his Hard-Work as the only Result of Success), while someone who is grateful to God and rather gives Credit to Luck, Circumstances, or a Divine Power for the Achievement of certain goal is more likely to be Admired and Liked by us, compared to the Previous UNGRATEFUL TO LUCK Man(I am not Lying, Test For Yourself!).
“Honestly speaking, this is a TOPIC on which I can write for more than 50pages-but, this is a BLOG and not a RESEARCH PAPER type of Content, thus, I had to refrain from going extremely deep; as this is amongst those Topics which has very different Perspective, Thoughts and Beliefs-usually standing 50–50; where APPROXIMATELY half of the Crowd thinks that LUCK indeed is a GREATER FACTOR for Success while the other Half Believes that it is JUST HARD WORK and EFFORTS! Thus, if you want to take something away from this Blog, just remember this much BOTH HARD-WORK & LUCK PLAY AN IMPORTANT ROLE-Your Luck is of No Use If You Haven’t Started to Run the Race and Your Hard-Work is of No Use if You did not have any Element of Luck!”
#The Blog was Originally Published by me on 12th December 2022 on My Website
[ So, if this topic interests you and you feel like Deep Diving into it, then consider reading the following PDF(which is like a Research Paper-published by A. Pluchino, A.E. Biondo and A. Rapisarda)