The Undone Criterion Consideration

“Yes, No System is Flawless-but Are We Working towards Flawlessness?

Devesh A
7 min readJul 10, 2023

Degree-the Word Degree roots back from its Latin Origin, travelling its path through French and then, becoming an English Word. It has several meanings-but the one that I am talking of is the Physical Form; a piece of paper that states that the Owner of that DEGREE has achieved something, has done a Particular Course and taken the training to be now called “XYZ” -a CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL in that field. Speaking Academically, there are broadly Four types of Degrees-the ASSOCIATIVE, the BACHELORS, the MASTERS and then the DOCTORATE. Adding to this, one can create a large number of Combinations of Subjects to attain a Degree in and then there is even the case of Specializations and something or the other jumping out of Nowhere literally every day now.

Photo by Lewis Keegan on Unsplash

These Degrees play a crucial role when a Company is out there Hiring Employees. Under Certain Eligibility Criteria, and some Qualifications are the candidates offered a Job and a Post in the Company. Generally, the stereotypical trend is-higher the degree, the more likely are the chances to secure a High Post Job which definitely comes with a Higher Pay grade, High Authority and Powers-the Ultimate being the CEO of a Company-the one who Virtually Runs the company(well, this process is not that simple and straight-but, for a just, this should work).

So you see in order to run a COMPANY, there is such a High Level of Fierce Competition and even a Strict Check for Offering the Job and the Post to COMPETENT EMPLOYEES who could ensure a Good Involvement to the Company Growth-then Why isn’t this the case when we give the Highest Possible Office to a Person in a Country-while making Presidents, Prime Ministers and other High Post Ministers?

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

This was something, that I remember, I had asked my father when I was an infant-while watching News and them showing Prime Minister taking the Office Oath, I was curious to know what Degree is required to become a Prime Minister(or a President)-to my surprise, I found out there was no such degree needed for gaining the Eligibility of Becoming a Country’s Leader. I found it AMUSING and FUNNY then(as I thought even a small child, like my younger self, could become Prime Minister then if there is no such Qualification needed), but recently, I saw the severity of the severe topic-a topic on which hardly anyone has ever talked. Just think-Why is there no Such Education Qualification and Competency Criteria laid forth for such offices which have the Highest Power in the World-by owning a Post where you have Control of all the Resources of a Country?!

If you are well aware, most of World Leaders(in the present or be it of the Past)do not have that High Academic Qualification(exceptions are exempted here). So doesn’t this SHOW our Hay-wired System where you require a Doctorate Degree to become a Scientist or say, at least a PQR Degree to become XYZ in/for a Company-while, there is no such Degree, nor any Competency Check needed to stand for becoming the Leader of a Country and run the whole Economy-influencing lives of Millions? Furthermore, there are NO TESTS for the ones who wish to STAND FOR THE POST. Just to get into a Prestigious College and obtain a Bachelor’s Degree, students prepare for Months, if not years, just to give & ace an Entrance exam which would JUST allow them Entry to a College offering their Course-while there is no Such test to even Ensure that the person who wishes to run the Whole Country, the one to whom all would be Counting on for taking steps for the Betterment of the Country. The one whom all would give the Resources of the Country, is that person competent enough to handle such an Office and look after it in the Best Possible way? That whether it is the Power that he seeks for his self-interest, or the aim to attain the Office is to get the power to Bring about a Change-A Change that would mark the Beginning of a New World, a Better Place for all to live happily in!

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

We all know that to hold a Lower Post of Office in a Government(say that of an IAS Officer in India-the country from where I come), one needs to have a well-profiled Academic Background-then why does this Disappear as we go higher in the Hierarchy? Shouldn’t the one running the Whole Country be Smart, Highly Intellectual, Enoughly Educated, and Competent to understand the Laws, understand how An Economy Works to its Roots, and How One can Mark the overall Growth of a Country by a Well Progressed, and well-planned growth of all the sectors. Progress in sectors ranging from that of Farming to that of Scientific Progress at the International Level. In a Nutshell, there should be a COMPLETELY WELL PLANNED Format for the Presidential, or Ministerial Election’s Eligibility. This is how I see it:-


The Person should at least have a Basic Education Qualification from High School and a bachelor's Degree in any of the Fields. These should be the Minimal Eligibility Criteria added to the pre-existing criteria specific to each Country and Government(if some Country and its Government have this, then it is suitable for the ones I know, I haven’t seen these to ever exist). Post that, the person should have a brief and a Working Knowledge of almost all the Sectors-from Economics to Science and from Farming to System Management; for it would be his/her Intelligence and Knowledge that would help bring and implement a BENEFICIAL CHANGE in the Governmental Policies that would bring out the Best Result. And this could be ensured by some Entrance Exam-an Exam that covers all the Topics essential to be known by a Person who MIGHT be the Next Country Chairman-the one leading and running the Whole Economy. Thus, the ones who pass the Entrance Test should be the ones who are allowed to eventually compete for the post(which would then be decided by Voting for Democratic Governments-or the different respective processes that are prevalent in countries, which I am unaware of).

In this manner, the President and the Prime Minister of a Country should be chosen-ensuring that the one who is now going to run the Country is someone who has High Thinking Order and a Deep Knowledge & Idea of what he/she is Doing in the Best Possible way, for the betterment of the Country(and the World).


The same should even be applicable for other High Posts that are SUBJECT and INDUSTRY SPECIFIC-say, the post of EDUCATION MINISTER should have a basic Eligibility Criteria that the one willing to stand for the post should have a DEGREE IN THE FIELD EDUCATION with A GOOD AMOUNT OF EXPERIENCE IN THE INDUSTRY-reflecting the Depth of Knowledge in the Industry-thus, this Eligibility Criteria, followed by an Exam for the Post, which is eventually followed by the Actual Election is something, which if done properly and orderly, would mark the Growth of the Country as a whole- reason said, all the Departments would be RUN BY THE COMPETENT and DEPARTMENT EXPERIENCED OFFICIALS-the ones who know what are the Flaws in the Industry, What all Changes are Awaited and how Things should Be Worked Out. Just as World’s Best Dental Surgeon can Perform a Successful Complex Dental Surgery, but if asked to perform an Open-Heart Surgery, the odds won’t look favourable. Thus, it is the Most Logical, Most Sensible Move to give a Post specific to a Particular Field to a person who actually knows things about that, than someone who has close to no experience in that field.

Photo by Aditya Joshi on Unsplash

In a nutshell, I feel that adding essential Education Qualifications in any field as Minimal Eligibility criteria for High Government positions should be a Must-along with An Entrance Exam covering essential topics to ensure that competent and experienced officials run Subject Specific Departments which would lead to growth of the country as a whole. Yes I know, this Blog would seem like a DREAM and something which, I feel, many people won’t even think of it being Implementable-but none of this would have any effect on the Present Condition of the World’s Political Scenario and the Problems faced by all the Countries-be it that of War, of Inflation or Increasing levels of Poverty and Governmental Bankruptcies-a sure step that could ensure relative stability in such conditions would always be APPOINTING THE CORRECT MAN FOR THE CORRECT POST ON CORRECT TIME-for it is utter nonsense to ask the World’s Best Captain to Bring a Ship with a Crater in its Hull to the Shore safely! No matter how fast you are, your speed is of No Use once you have crossed the Event Horizon! Let’s try to bring the Change until we reach the Event Horizon-else all is but a mere inevitable trap.

Photo by Mingwei Lim on Unsplash

So yes, with this, the Blog has come to an end, and I hope you took away something useful-as always, will catch you all back with the Next Blog-till then, Keep Learning, and Keep Growing😄

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#The Blog was Originally Published by me on 9th July 2023 on My Website



Devesh A
Devesh A

Written by Devesh A

Hello All, and I am Devesh A. On a Journey of Life-exploring Things, and beyond. You all are welcome to join along😄

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