It has been more than 300 years since we last saw the Dodo wandering Earth; 70 years since we had an Indian Cheetah Racing around our Diverse Jungles; 4000 years since the Great Ancestors of the Elephant, the Mammoth went extinct. You see, Progressive Evolution and Survival of the Fittest are the Two Things that encourage us TO DEVELOP and invent to remain at the Top of the Food Chain by being an Apex Predator(and rather maintaining that position for a much longer period). But, Earth and Life on Earth went through courses of Evolution and drastic Changes-not only in their Physical Features, but also, even the Ecological and Environmental aspects(because of Human Intervention in Nature).
Human Intervention in all of this is something that carved out the Present time by making Small changes, that seemed insignificant at that time but created a Significant effect over a brief period. The Changes made by the Early Humans are not Tales or Myths-but are Real Events of History(history of Earth, as well as Humanity)which are recorded by them in the form of Paintings and Inscriptions on Boulders, Rock Surfaces, Cloth, Leaves and many more things which we now refer to as the ARTIFACTS.
The first Homo Sapiens were spotted around 200,000 years ago! Yes, that is the time, before the Mammoth went Extinct. So, over the past 200,000 years, we have seen Development in Humanity-or better yet, in our Species-the Homo Sapiens. Though its initial rate of Progress and Development was very slow, after a certain time in Human History, we saw an Impetus to this Growth-all thanks to the Industrial Revolution.
With bursts of Ideas and Increased Knowledge, Humans started their Journey on the Path of Fast and Rapid Development with Modernization in all Regions and Area-from the Advancing Lifestyle, to even Languages and eating and even living habits! But, while we were making Steps for a Better, a Newer Future, we started, what I am referring to as the VANISHING CURVE. In the name of PROGRESS and DEVELOPMENT, we started to lose the roots of our Past and the Ancestors-their Art, their Knowledge and all the things that they tried to pass on to us; not as any Imposition but rather as a Culture, a Common History, our Lgacy which they dreamt of being Carried till the End of the Human Civilization.
We are so engrossed and excited to adapt to the Future that we did not think that we even had to MAINTAIN THE PAST and CARRY ON THE LEGACY of Humanity as a whole(that is, while Progressing, we should not forget the Point from where we started and the Past of Our Tribe)! This VANISHING CURVE is almost the same as that of the Success Curve(this sounds Quite Ironic), in the beginning, there is not much effect, but, now, we might be at the Stage where it could gain its MAIN TRAJECTORY, if we don’t break the Curve!
Well, in the name of Progress, we adapted to easier things that made life simpler, but we did not preserve some of the Main things of the Past which are TRULY and the Culture and Heritage of Humanity as a Whole! Say, the Mesopotamian Script, originally that was written on the Stone Tablets in Sumerian, cannot be comprehended at all. Having no Knowledge about a Single Letter of that Script, makes us INDIRECTLY FORGET the PAST. We cannot properly Comprehend and Visualize what Exactly was the Reason for the Decline of the Kingdom, or What All Was Happening during that time-as those Scripts might contain some of the Documentaries by Official Emperors of that Era or Personal Documentaries by the People living in that Era(just think, if, after 1500 years, English is a Language which becomes long forgotten, then this Blog, and Millions of things, including all the KNOWLEDGE of Humanity will be Long Lost😨).
You see, regardless of the time or the Era, the basic Human Nature to DOCUMENT, and COMMENT on Current Affairs, Important Topics, Share Knowledge and Pss on What all has Learned or on any Subject-this has never Changed I think, this would never Change). People used to Document, and write about Events in the Past; and even do that now-the only difference is that we now have a SUPER ADVANCED DATABASE HOLDER that can save Data for a Long Period of time, with very less Real World Space-in a Language of Only Two Known variables-0s & 1s or better, in the Binary(and this could be Easily Translated into any of the Known Registered Language)! Having started the topic of Languages, presently, India has 121 Identified Languages, of which, many are not even known to me regardless I am Multilingual(able to speak around 5 languages-3 very Fluently, while the rest 2 not that well-#PERKS of being Indian).
Honestly, I don’t even know the Authentic Writing of my Own Mother Tongue which is similar to that of Arabic, but not the Same. And I know that it would be known only by the Grandparents who have less time to record the KNOWLEDGE on World’s Biggest Known Database-the Internet. Once they are gone, my Ethnic and Original Script might end up like Sumerian Script(Cuneiform)-a language which would become long forgotten with Information Lost and Fading Away in the Past. And in the coming years, all that we would do is ADORE the writing and Wish that someone knew that. Apart from the Land of Diversity, India, there are many other Places in the World which were/are or will be facing this problem and if there is no solution to that, we might be on the WRONG PATH OF PROGRESS AND DEVELOPMENT-as we do not account for what is being done, but rather, JUST CARE FOR WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE!
The Above was the depiction of the VANISHING CURVE in the field of Linguistics- a Key for passing on Knowledge from one Generation to the Other, and the Key Method because of which we can thrive! Apart from Linguistics, there is one more Field(of the many)where the VANISHING CURVE will assumingly create a Drastic Change-in the Field of Profession and Practicing Arts!
One of the biggest clues that the human brain has always been thinking out of the Box is right in front of us-Those Old Paintings with Great Perspectives, Clay Models and Diagrams of the City in Miniature, the Ability to think and Rather Cook Food over Eating it raw and what not! These are some of the many things that Humans have done for great time-even the Cavemen used to REIMAGINE and tried to RECREATE THINGS that happened, while the Egyptians took this a step ahead, making Illustrations of the Things nobody saw “Life after Death” and the other things! But, this is something of which we are losing hold. It is not just the Technology, but also the Education System we all are getting Accustomed to, that is making us more of a LABOUR and WORKER over INNOVATORS and THINKERS!
Logic and other things are only restricted till the Exams-finding Innovative and Unique ways to Ace an EXAM(be it by Unique Cheating Ways, or Shortcuts to Memorize Those Many Formulae, Sequences and whatnot). And, to boost all of this-i.e., taking all this to another level, Technological and Overall Human Development is providing perfect succour.
Cooking Traditional Dishes and Cuisines in Traditional Ways, i.e., giving the Food its Authentic Taste(the way it was meant to be made and served)is something that was practised over a Large Time and it was something that was passed from Generation to Generation, only to ensure that this Art of Cooking doesn’t become a Myth and that the Future Generation could know that How Food was Made in the Olden Times. But Machinery that makes the Food in Minutes over Hours just causes a hindrance for people to learn the Art of Cooking Dishes that are, but our Legacy and the fact that Takeaways’ Convenience is just adding more to this hindrance(I am not 100% against this, but I feel that there should be an equal importance given to the Authentic Way of cooking and giving the food its ethnic Taste).
Not just that, but also, the fact that we are Heading towards becoming Autonomous and Making more and more Factories for Mass Production. This not only becomes a BIG COMPETITON for the Ethnic Handicraft Indies and the people that carry on their Family Legacies ahead because the Factories can produce things in Mass, and sell off their Products at Less and Cheaper Rates, while the Indies cannot cut down on their Sale Price! These Ethnic Men are carrying ahead their Culture and their Art so that the Future Generation can have the Chance to BUY it overseeing them in the Glass Protected Great Rooms, where People would pay MONEY to just have a glimpse of it, but never even touch that or, better yet, in the Museums! As Time has passed, Art is not the Only Field where the Vanishing Curve is taking place-even some of the Fields like Philosophers, Poets and laureates. There are not many Known Philosophers, or Great and Well Known Poets in the 21st Century, as they were in the 18th and 20th Centuries. Moreover to that, there is no Promotion or Encouragement for any of us to become Professional in any of these Fields, or less, even to consider and think of these as FIELDS and some area where someone can make A CAREER(Although not denying, that in Present Times, these are the Fields where nobody would get enough pay-not enough to carry a hand to mouth relationship).
Big Picture In short, Money is something that we all need to live a Life-and considering the Present conditions and Lifestyle we all are having(and Extrapolating the Graph), it wouldn’t be wrong to say that Money and Our Belongings are not just confined to stay alive or living a basic life; but it has become the very SYMBOL of Status and Position in the Society. But, if we all keep chasing the Money and become 100% Money Minded, then there would be no SCOPE FOR HUMANITY TO EVOLVE AS A WHOLE as it was doing in the Past! Evolution and Development would be Confined to the Areas where Growth could be Achieved with Abundant Money as the Very First By Product; while the Areas where Money could be the last By-Product would be the Fields where(assumingly)we would evolve and develop the Least! Ergo now is the Best time to break this Curve and bring our Upcoming Generation to the Correct Path and Trajectory! Let us Promote the Indie or Groups that are working hard to preserve the Art(here, Art does not refer to the Literal Meaning)they have gained and are trying to keep that Alive(or rather pass).
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“Business Insider has Compiled videos showing How Some People are trying to “MAINTAIN AND PASS ON THE LEGACY OF TRADITIONAL FORM OF ART AND PRACTICES” in the Following Playlist[s]. So, if want to Look Deep into The Topic, Feel Free To See these Great Documented Videos by Business Insider”
#The Blog was Originally Published by me on 13th February 2023 on My Website